
Our Open House is Scheduled for November 16th and 17th at St. John Neumann High School in Williamsport, PA from 9am to 9pm on Saturday, and 8am until 4pm on Sunday.

Our second camp will take place on Saturday, December 14th from 9 – 9. (This is an update, originally we were planning on Dec 7th but there were scheduling conflicts)

From December 27th to December 30th there will be a 4 day camp. This is like our “band camp” where we put a majority of the show on the floor. It is necessary that we have everyone there. This is essential for us to be productive and set up our season to be successful. Rehearsals will be 9-9 generally, except for the 30th we will dismiss at 5pm.

We will be adding events and filling out the calendar as we get more details and information locked down. Generally, members should plan on having Saturday rehearsals all day starting in January until Sunday April 12th, when we finish our season at WGI World Championships. The week of championships we will be leaving mid-week to go to Dayton, Ohio where championships are held for a multi-day tournament. More details about this will come out as we get closer and things are solidified. There is a letter that students can use to be dismissed for an educational journey.

We will also have some Friday night music rehearsals at EPIC Percussion. We won’t be rehearsing every Sunday this season, but we will have a rotating sectional schedule for Sundays that we will give details about at a later time.